New Music, Episode 2 In Progress, Steam Still In The Works

Progress is steady on Episode 2, currently I am 1/4 of the way through. Timeline is hard to predict, but if I stay consistent, Episode 2 will be done sometime around the new year. Buuuuuuuut in all likelihood, I would say Spring would be the most realistic. And it's more than likely that there will be an Episode 3 to finish everything out. Things have really taken shape behind the scenes, and that's exciting stuff 8D 8D I put in a few screenshots here from Episode 2, just to show some new things that can be expected once it's all finished. I hope you enjoy them!

The demo has had a few updates, mainly a couple of graphical optimizations, and a fix for a softlock in E1M1. But the big one: I fiiiiiiiinally have the first set of new music for the game! It's much spookier and darker than my original compositions, and it really gives a great atmosphere of dread. The compositions are done by the incredibly talented DinaariMusic. You can follow the link to get some sampling of her other works as well! Please go check her out 8D

And lastly, I am still working to get the demo onto steam as well, that should hopefully come sometime in October, fingers crossed for that.

Take care all, love ya bye <3
-ChotoTheBright / Jesse Luna ; Sept. 2023

Get ...De Miedo - Episode One (Shareware demo)


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Great work so far, keep it up <3

I shall, thank you so much! ; __ ; /<3